


Gum Drop Kids offers a professionally developed, age-appropriate , preschool curriculum for ages 2 1/2 - 5. The child development activities and projects are designed specifically to help children develop skills in letter, shape, color and number recognition. The curriculum utilizes a variety of math, science and literacy activities, as well as creative arts, physical activities and social skills.

Children will learn and grow as they enjoy indoor and outdoor activities such as poems, books, stories, games, finger-plays, and arts and crafts. Each day you will recieve an evaluation of your child so that you are kept updated on how and what they did that day, how much they ate and what their mood was like.

Contact our learning center today to inquire about our preschool and day care programs.

Our Services

Preschool hero 1


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Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule

Hero daycare


Child getting education home
After School Child Care

After School Child Care